
'How do you know what it looks like?'

1 - 4 July 2010 
Form Content, London

A project that proposes to experience a multitude of sound environments that transpose our perception of  time, and modify our awareness of the listening experience.

Artists: Pia Borg, Tyler Coburn & Jeffrey K. Miller, Dan Scott, Juan Sebastian Suanca and Mark Aerial Waller 

As part of the weekend, Tyler Coburn and Jeffrey K. Miller presented The Enemy, a radio play revisiting the life and career of Wyndham Lewis, an English painter, critic and novelist best known as the leader of a 1910s avant-garde movement called Vorticism. Recordings of each event can be listened to online: http://www.tylercoburn.com/enemy.html.

Curated by Irene Aristizabal in response to an invitation to participate in HaVE A LoOk! HAve a LooK!, at Form Content






28 May - 7 June 2009
Museo de Ciencias de la Salud, Bogota

Artists: allsopp&weir, Mauricio Bejarano, Pia Borg, Jose Filipe Costa, Asli Çavusoglu, Lamarche-Ovize, Juan Sebastian Suanca, Luis Carlos Tovar, Mark Aerial Waller

Curated by Irene Aristizabal



allsopp&weir, 'Grass Breath Spit Trumpet'

August 2008
Yama, Istanbul

Artist: allsopp&weir

Curated: by Irene Aristizabal

Part of 'The Stars Are Closer Tonight', Mark Aerial Waller, Yama, August 2007 - September 2008


'Of This Tale, I cannot guarantee a single word'

10 - 25 April 2008
Royal College of Art Galleries, London + catalogue

Artists: Marcel van Eeden, Patricia Esquivias, Chitra Ganesh, Masist Gül, Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, Robert Kusmirowski, Mike Nelson, Falke Pisano, Alex Singh, Simon Starling, Tris Vonna-Mitchel, Bedwyir Williams 

Curated by the graduating students of the MA Curating Contemporary Art at the Royal College of Art

Chelpa Ferro, 'ON – OFF POLTERGEIST'

29 June - 15 July 2007
Exhibition at Mezkalito Gallery, Performance at SPACE, London
'ON - OFF Poltergeist'

Solo show and performance by Chelpa Ferro

Curated by the First year students of the MA Curating Contemporary Art at the Royal College of Art

Conceived by Irene Aristizabal

Marie Voignier, 'Le Bruit du Canon' & 'Western DDR'

29 October 2006
Bétonsalon at Instants Chavirés, Paris

Projection of Marie Voignier's 'Le bruit du canon' (2006) and 'Western DDR' (2005)
followed by films by Jans Peters and Pierre Méréjowski

Curated by Irene Aristizabal

Sung-A Yoon & Xavier Gautier

6 July - 16 July 2006
Bétonsalon, Paris

An exhibition by Sung-A Yung and Xavier Gautier
Film programme with Sonia Babluani, and Massimiliano and Gianluca de Serio

Curated by Irene Aristizabal

Gérald Kurdian, 'Je suis putain'

16 - 26 March 2006
Bétonsalon, Paris

Solo show and performance by Gérald Kurdian
in collaboration with Élyse Leclercq

Curated by Irene Aristizabal